June 11, 2024 11:47 am

Insert Lead Generation
Nikka Sulton

The Liberal Democrats have unveiled their manifesto for the upcoming election, outlining a range of measures aimed at addressing the housing crisis. Their plans include expanding tenants’ rights, such as introducing more robust protections against unfair evictions and ensuring better living conditions in rented properties. They also pledge to significantly increase the volume of housebuilding, aiming to provide more affordable housing options to tackle the growing demand.

In addition to these initiatives, the manifesto proposes a clampdown on short-term lets. The party argues that tighter regulations on platforms like Airbnb are necessary to prevent the erosion of local housing stock and ensure fair competition in the rental market. By focusing on these key areas, the Liberal Democrats aim to create a more equitable housing system that balances the needs of tenants, landlords, and communities.


Liberal Democrats say (in their own words) that they will:

  • “Implement a ban on no-fault evictions immediately, establish three-year tenancies as the norm, and introduce a national register for licensed landlords.”
  • “Empower local councils with new authority to regulate second homes and short-term rentals in their communities.”
  • “Eliminate residential leaseholds and limit ground rents to a minimal amount, giving property owners full control over their homes.”
  • “Enable councils to purchase land for housing at current use value instead of inflated hope value by reforming the Land Compensation Act 1961.”
  • “Introduce ‘use-it-or-lose-it’ planning permission for developers who delay building projects.”
  • “Implement a ten-year emergency programme to make homes warmer and cheaper to heat, ensuring all new homes are zero-carbon”;
  • “Remove dangerous cladding from all buildings, making sure leaseholders don’t have to pay anything towards the cost”;
  • “Introduce a Rent-to-Own model for social housing, where rent payments gradually give tenants ownership, achieving full ownership after 30 years”.


Nathan Emerson, Chief Executive Officer at Propertymark, highlights the significance of addressing housing targets early in the manifesto. He emphasizes the pressing need for increased social housing to enhance accessibility. In a market where affordable housing remains a challenge, such initiatives hold promise for prospective homeowners and renters alike.

Furthermore, Emerson underscores Propertymark’s longstanding advocacy for capping ground rents. The inclusion of similar proposals in the Liberal Democrats’ manifesto is viewed as a positive step towards ensuring fairer housing practices. However, the practical implementation of ending no-fault evictions warrants careful consideration and scrutiny.

Propertymark’s stance reflects broader industry sentiments, emphasizing the importance of sustainable and equitable housing policies. As discussions around housing reforms gain momentum, stakeholders eagerly anticipate the detailed mechanisms accompanying proposed changes. Clear guidelines and robust frameworks are essential for effective policy execution.

The commitment to addressing ground rents resonates with ongoing efforts to alleviate financial burdens on tenants and homeowners. By capping ground rents, policymakers aim to create a more stable and transparent rental landscape. Such measures align with broader objectives of fostering housing security and affordability for all.

Looking ahead, stakeholders remain vigilant, awaiting further developments and clarifications on proposed housing reforms. As the electoral discourse unfolds, the housing sector anticipates continued dialogue and collaboration towards achieving inclusive and sustainable housing solutions. Nathan Emerson’s insights underscore the significance of these discussions in shaping the future of the property market.


The other major non-housing pledges are:


– Everyone will have a right to see a GP with seven days – or 24 hours if it’s urgent;

– Improved access to dentists and pharmacists;

– Guaranteed cancer treatment within two months;

– There will be NHS-style free social care;

– A new higher minimum wage will be offered to care workers;

– A plan to stop raw sewage being dumped into rivers and on to beaches, and hold water companies to account;

– Policies to solve the cost of living crisis for “the long term”;

– “Fixing” the “broken relationship” with Europe;

– Ending first past the post voting and replacing it with proportional representation;

– Getting “big money out of politics” with a cap on donations to parties.


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