October 20, 2023 10:11 am

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Nikka Sulton

Enhancing Landlord EPC Rules. Members of different political parties in Parliament are urging the government to bring back the tougher energy efficiency rules for landlords. These rules were recently reversed by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Last month, Sunak canceled plans that were meant to make landlords improve the energy efficiency of their properties. Even though it wasn’t a formal law yet, landlords have been worried about the idea of having to upgrade their rental properties to reach an EPC rating of C or higher by 2028, and sometimes even earlier.

In a recent discussion in the House of Commons, many Members of Parliament have called for a change in this policy.

Cat Smith, a Labour member who was once part of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet but is now a backbencher, expressed concern: “When I talk to families renting from private landlords, I hear that their energy bills are much higher due to issues with doors, windows, leaky roofs, and inadequate insulation. Rolling back the standards in the private rental sector is causing financial strain on these families.”

Caroline Lucas, a Green Party MP, also shared her thoughts during the debate: “According to the Climate Change Committee, the changes in landlord efficiency standards for homes will result in an additional cost of £300 per year for renters. The Office for Budget Responsibility has made it clear that these changes will make us more dependent on gas, which will ultimately cost us more. If the government truly cared about hard-working families, they wouldn’t be providing £3 billion to Equinor for the development of the climate-damaging Rosebank oilfield. Instead, they would acknowledge that the actions of the Secretary of State are undermining our climate goals for short-term political gain and right-wing propaganda.”

Liberal Democrat MP Wera Hobhouse added her perspective to the discussion: “It is unforgivable that the Government have cancelled the obligation for landlords to upgrade homes to an EPC grade C rating by 2028 at the latest. A comprehensive home insulation scheme would reduce bills and carbon emissions this winter. I am going to make a proposal that might sound quite attractive to Conservative ears because it is about incentivising and tax breaks. Will the Secretary of State consider allowing landlords to offset spending on insulation against their income tax bills? That would benefit tenants by enabling them to live in warm and comfortable homes.”

However, the Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Claire Coutinho rejected the various suggestions. She stated that her government did not pursue the policy of making landlords upgrade properties because it could have cost up to £15,000 per unit. “Asking families up and down the country to spend £10,000 on updating homes would have been passed on in rents and may have led to more shortages in the private rented sector,” she added.

In a recent discussion in the House of Commons, many Members of Parliament have called for a change in this policy. Cat Smith, a Labour member who was once part of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet but is now a backbencher, expressed concern: “When I talk to families renting from private landlords, I hear that their energy bills are much higher due to issues with doors, windows, leaky roofs, and inadequate insulation. Rolling back the standards in the private rental sector is causing financial strain on these families.”

Caroline Lucas, a Green Party MP, also shared her thoughts during the debate: “According to the Climate Change Committee, the changes in landlord efficiency standards for homes will result in an additional cost of £300 per year for renters. The Office for Budget Responsibility has made it clear that these changes will make us more dependent on gas, which will ultimately cost us more. If the government truly cared about hard-working families, they wouldn’t be providing £3 billion to Equinor for the development of the climate-damaging Rosebank oilfield. Instead, they would acknowledge that the actions of the Secretary of State are undermining our climate goals for short-term political gain and right-wing propaganda.”


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