November 29, 2023 3:42 pm

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Nikka Sulton

Curious about house flipping and whether it dodges Capital Gains Tax in the UK? You’re in the right place. The trend of buying and selling houses for profit is on the rise, but to steer clear of pitfalls, understanding potential tax implications is key.

Whether it’s your main hustle or a side gig for extra cash, here’s the scoop on Capital Gains Tax and flipping houses in the UK. Don’t let your flip turn into a flop – get the lowdown.

House flipping, the art of buying and selling for profit, is gaining traction. But to keep your venture smooth, you need to grasp the tax angles. Whether it’s a side hustle or your main gig, here’s the essential info on Capital Gains Tax and house flipping in the UK.

Wondering about the ins and outs of house flipping and its relationship with Capital Gains Tax in the UK? Look no further. The practice of buying and selling houses for profit is on the upswing, but avoiding potential tax pitfalls is crucial.

Whether it’s a side hustle or your main source of income, get the details on Capital Gains Tax and house flipping in the UK to ensure your venture stays on the right track.


How Do Flipping Houses Avoid Capital Gains Tax?

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is essentially a tax you have to fork out when selling assets for profit, covering things like cryptocurrency, shares, and property. However, according to HMRC, house flips don’t fall into the investment category.

This means you’re off the hook for CGT when selling your house for profit or flipping it. But don’t break out the celebration just yet – there are still taxes in play, making you rethink your plans for selling or renting. If you decide to rent out your property, brace yourself for potential CGT payments.

You’ll likely pay Income Tax instead

If you’re self-employed and into house flipping, you’re on the hook for Income Tax as an individual, not Capital Gains Tax.

As mentioned earlier, flipping houses doesn’t fall under the investment category. So, when tax time rolls around, it’s just a matter of paying Income Tax through your Self Assessment.


What about Corporation Tax?

If you’re flipping houses using a Limited Company, your tax tab is in the form of Corporation Tax. This tax is what businesses cough up based on their annual profits.

The rate you’re looking at depends on how much profit you’re pulling in. Hit the £50,000 mark or beyond, and you’re looking at a 25% rate. If your profits are less than that, the rate drops to 19%.


How Will You Deal With Income Tax and Corporation Tax?

If you’re a self-employed individual in the UK diving into house flipping, your tax deal is with income tax, not capital gains tax (CGT). Since property flipping isn’t categorized as an investment per HMRC rules, sorting out income tax payments happens during your self-assessment tax returns. Online calculators can help crunch the numbers, giving you a clear picture of what you owe while flipping your house and predicting potential future profits.

Now, let’s shift gears to house flipping through a limited company. Here, it’s all about corporation tax – the obligation for companies to pay HMRC a cut of their profits. The amount you cough up depends on your profit margin:

  1. If you’re pulling in £50,000 or more, get ready to part with 25% of your profit in corporation tax.
  2. For businesses making less, the rate drops to 19% for corporation tax.


What if I’m planning on renting the property to tenants?

Alright, let’s dive into the details. Renting out a property after flipping it changes the tax game compared to just selling. If you’re considering flipping a house and then becoming a landlord, get ready to fork out Capital Gains Tax (CGT) at the current rate of 20%.

For the higher-rate taxpayers out there, the CGT rate takes a leap to 40%. It’s a bit more complex, but there you have it.


What will Happen If a Property is to be given on Rent for Tenants?

For those of you pondering what happens when you rent out your property, especially after a house flip, the tax scene gets a bit more intricate. This guide aims to simplify things. When it comes to tax implications, renting your property to tenants is a different ball game compared to selling it.

If you’re flipping a house and then turning it into a rental, the current rate for capital gains tax (CGT) is 20%. For those in the higher-tax bracket, the CGT takes a leap to 40%. It might sound a bit tangled, but leveraging digital calculators can streamline the process, giving you a clear view of what you’ll actually be shelling out in this scenario.


The UK’s flipping hotspot

Burnley has consistently held the top spot in England and Wales for house flipping over the past few years. In 2020, Hamptons reported that 8.2% of all homes sold in Burnley had undergone flipping, with a significant 81% of these properties purchased for £40,000 or less – conveniently avoiding stamp duty, which kicks in at £40,000 and above.

According to James Hogan from Yopa, Burnley is a prime location for bargain hunters, with auctioned properties starting as low as £20,000. While the town is attractive for first-time buyers and landlords, those seeking move-in-ready homes, it’s the more rundown properties that present a golden opportunity for those willing and able to take on a flip project.

Hogan notes a diverse price range in the town, with well-maintained terraces ranging from £60,000 to £150,000. He recommends consulting local agents to gauge the potential resale value of any prospective project, especially for those unfamiliar with the area. Exploring probate sales through local solicitors and asset management companies is also advised, as these properties often make excellent candidates for refurbishment.

For those in search of a fixer-upper, property auctions prove to be a swift and decisive avenue. Neglected properties frequently change hands through this channel, making auctions a valuable resource for those on the lookout for renovation opportunities.




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