June 5, 2024 1:59 pm

Insert Lead Generation
Nikka Sulton

Generation Rent has released new demands that go further than the original Renters Reform Bill, aiming to significantly reduce landlords’ rights. This move is part of a broader push to enhance tenant protections and address issues in the private rental sector. The group believes that more stringent measures are necessary to ensure fair treatment and security for renters.

The group is led by chief executive Ben Twomey, a former Labour local candidate, who has been vocal about the need for reform. Twomey and Generation Rent have outlined their demands in a new manifesto designed for the next government. This manifesto includes proposals that challenge current landlord practices and seek to provide greater security and rights for tenants. The proposals range from making all evictions discretionary to implementing stricter rent controls.

These new demands closely align with recent Labour ideas about the future of the private rental sector. Labour has shown interest in transforming rental laws to protect tenants better and address the housing crisis. Generation Rent’s manifesto reflects this vision, pushing for a significant overhaul of the current system. This alignment suggests that if Labour comes into power, these proposals could gain traction, leading to substantial changes in the rental market.

Generation Rent wants to significantly reduce landlords’ rights to evict tenants. 

They propose that landlords should offer tenants the first refusal on the property before starting eviction proceedings. Additionally, landlords would need to prove their genuine intention to move or sell to a court, making all evictions discretionary.

Generation Rent also suggests a two-year no-let period for any property where a landlord has evicted a tenant. They claim that 300,000 tenants were evicted last year after challenging unaffordable rent increases, indicating that landlords might use rent hikes to force out tenants when Section 21 is banned. To address this, they propose capping in-tenancy rent rises to prevent such forced evictions.

Generation Rent has put forward a series of demands aimed at significantly limiting landlords’ ability to evict tenants. One of their key proposals is to enforce a 24-month no re-let period for landlords who claim they need to sell their property or move in a relative to regain possession. This measure is intended to serve as a strong deterrent against misuse of eviction claims by landlords.

Additionally, Generation Rent suggests that if tenants wish to stay in the property during its sale, landlords and mortgage lenders should be mandated to sell the property with the tenant in situ if it is being sold to another landlord. This would ensure continuity and stability for tenants during the transaction process. In cases where the property is being purchased by an owner-occupier, the same 24-month no-let period should apply to prevent landlords from circumventing tenant protections by temporarily selling to non-rental buyers.

The rest of the Generation Rent manifesto builds on familiar themes for those who have been following the Renters Reform Bill. The group advocates for measures that prevent landlords from exploiting loopholes to evict tenants unfairly. For example, they highlight the issue of tenants being forced out due to unaffordable rent increases. They cite a figure of 300,000 tenants evicted last year after challenging rent hikes, arguing that this shows landlords could potentially increase rents to push tenants out once Section 21 is banned. To combat this, they propose capping in-tenancy rent rises to prevent such backdoor evictions.

Overall, the Generation Rent manifesto aims to strengthen tenant protections, ensuring that landlords cannot easily evict tenants without just cause and that rent increases are kept in check to avoid displacing renters. The demands reflect a broader push for reforms in the private rental sector to create a fairer and more secure housing environment for tenants across the UK.


The activist group wants:

“Ending unfair evictions – Renters are waiting for the abolition of Section 21 no-fault evictions, which landlords can use to unfairly remove tenants, depriving them of security in their homes.”

“Stamp out illegal evictions – Local councils must have a legal duty and adequate resources to investigate and prosecute landlords who illegally evict tenants.”

“Open-ended tenancies – All tenancies should be open-ended, allowing tenants to leave when they need to and stay as long as they like.”

“Safe, healthy, and decent homes – Legal standards for safety and quality should be consistent across all tenures, including temporary accommodation, privately rented, and social housing.”

“Landlord Register – There should be mandatory national registration for all private landlords, agents, and rented properties.”

“Rent controls – High rents are pushing more people into financial hardship, making affordable homes increasingly inaccessible.”

“Deposit Reform – Implementing a passporting system would allow tenants to transfer their deposit value automatically to their next tenancy.”

“Green homes fit for the future, and an end to fuel poverty – All rented homes should meet an Energy Performance Certificate rating of C or above to combat fuel poverty.”

“A welfare system that supports safe, secure, affordable homes – Unfreezing and making Local Housing Allowance immediately available to tenants in need is crucial.”

“Private Renters to Have Control Over Their Homes – Simplifying the process for accessing Disabled Facilities Grants ensures quick adaptations for elderly and disabled tenants.”

“End Discrimination in Renting – Ending ‘Right to Rent’ and nationality requirements for social housing eliminates immigration checks in licensing or enforcement regimes.”

“Renters Right to Organise – Renters have a right to join a union and must not face retaliatory action from landlords for doing so. Unions should be consulted proactively by the government, and given a seat at the table when making decisions that will affect renters”;

“Improve access to justice for private renters – Legal aid for housing cases should be restored and extended to cover legal costs challenging disrepair in court.”



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