May 1, 2024 9:27 am

Insert Lead Generation
Nikka Sulton

Generation Rent, an activist group, has once again voiced its demand for various reforms, particularly emphasizing the abolition of Section 21 eviction grounds. They argue that this legal change is crucial in addressing housing insecurity and preventing homelessness among tenants.

One of the key proposals put forward by Generation Rent involves landlords being required to contribute towards the moving expenses of tenants. This suggestion aims to alleviate the financial burden on tenants who are forced to relocate due to eviction or other housing-related issues.

In their recent statement, the activist group highlighted the potential impact of abolishing Section 21. They claim that if this eviction ground had been eliminated earlier, thousands of households facing eviction between April and December 2023 could have avoided homelessness. This assertion underscores the urgency of legislative action to protect tenant rights and improve housing stability.

The call for landlords to shoulder part of the moving costs reflects a broader push for more equitable landlord-tenant relationships. By advocating for financial support during relocations, Generation Rent aims to address the imbalance of power between landlords and tenants, particularly in situations where tenants are vulnerable to eviction.

Ultimately, Generation Rent’s ongoing advocacy efforts underscore the need for comprehensive reforms in the rental housing sector. Their proposals, including the demand for landlord contribution to moving expenses, seek to promote tenant welfare and create a more equitable rental market.

“In the same period, 23,000 households found themselves facing homelessness due to their landlord’s decision to sell the property. Despite the proposed Renters Reform Bill, this grounds for eviction will remain valid, granting tenants only a two-month notice period to vacate the premises without any financial assistance for relocation,” stated Chief Executive Ben Twomey.

Twomey further commented, “While the abolition of Section 21 evictions holds the promise of significantly improving renters’ lives and reducing reliance on council support to avoid homelessness, the current government proposals fall short. Tens of thousands of individuals remain vulnerable to homelessness due to the lack of adequate protection when landlords exercise legitimate reasons for eviction, such as selling the property.”

“Renters require more than the current two-month notice period to facilitate a move, and landlords, who are displacing their tenants, should provide financial assistance for relocation. This measure would alleviate the stress and hardship associated with involuntary relocations and help mitigate the escalating homelessness crisis burdening local councils,” the group advocates.

They are pressing the government to “enhance renter protections” during the House of Lords’ deliberations on the Renters Reform Bill.

Shelter has also attributed a significant increase in homelessness to Section 21, with Chief Executive Polly Neate stating, “The government cannot passively observe as an entire generation of children endure the devastating impacts of homelessness.”

“In the period under consideration, 23,000 households faced homelessness due to landlords selling their properties. Despite the Renters Reform Bill, this will remain a valid ground for eviction, with tenants given just two months’ notice to vacate, without any financial assistance for relocation,” Ben Twomey, the group’s Chief Executive, points out.

Twomey adds, “Abolition of Section 21 evictions has the potential to make a huge difference to renters’ lives and reduce the number of us who have to get our council’s help to avoid homelessness. But the government’s current plans will leave tens of thousands of us exposed to homelessness because of the lack of protection when landlords still have a valid reason to evict us, like selling the property.”

“Decades of failure to build enough genuinely affordable social homes has left families struggling to cobble together extortionate sums every month to keep a roof over their heads. Those who can’t afford private rents are being thrown into homelessness and then left for months and even years in damaging temporary accommodation because there is nowhere else.

“With a General Election approaching, it’s time for all politicians to show voters they are serious about ending the housing emergency. To dramatically reduce homelessness, we need every party to commit to building 90,000 social homes a year for ten years, and an overhaul of the Renters (Reform) Bill so that it delivers genuine safety and security for private renters.”




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