February 21, 2024 8:44 am

Insert Lead Generation
Nikka Sulton

Barking and Dagenham council is currently in the process of soliciting public opinions on a prospective landlord licensing scheme, supplementing the existing Selective Licensing Scheme that has been in operation for single-family homes since 2015. With a notable track record, the council has successfully extended licenses to over 17,000 properties during this period and conducted thorough inspections on more than 8,000 of these licensed properties.

The ongoing consultation demonstrates the council’s commitment to refining housing regulations and ensuring the efficacy of licensing frameworks. By actively seeking input from the public, the council aims to create a collaborative dialogue that shapes policies beneficial to both landlords and residents. This participatory approach aligns with the council’s overarching strategy to elevate housing standards and foster a sense of community well-being within the borough. As discussions progress, the council remains dedicated to balancing the interests of property owners and the broader community for a more harmonious and regulated housing environment.

Barking and Dagenham council is currently exploring the implementation of a new Selective Licensing Scheme, complemented by an Additional Licensing Scheme specifically tailored for small HMOs accommodating two or three individuals. This initiative aims to address properties that fall outside the ambit of mandatory licensing regulations.

In response to concerns about the potential financial burden on landlords, the council is in the process of finalizing the details of the licensing fee structure. Despite the yet undisclosed total cost of licenses, the council is contemplating the introduction of discounts for landlords who demonstrate adherence to what it defines as “best practice” in property management.

One notable aspect of the proposed discount framework is the recognition of “Silver compliance.” This designation is awarded to landlords who receive a satisfactory rating in compliance audit inspections, confirming that their properties meet established standards during inspections. As part of this initiative, landlords achieving Silver compliance would be eligible for a £200 reduction in the Part B fee for scheme running costs.

By considering these discount incentives, Barking and Dagenham council aims to foster a culture of responsible property management among landlords. The proposed schemes reflect the council’s commitment to striking a balance between regulatory measures and acknowledging landlords who adhere to established standards, contributing to the overall well-being of the community.

Attaining the Gold compliance award is contingent on obtaining accreditation as a landlord and securing a satisfactory rating in compliance audit inspections, indicating that the property meets established standards during inspections. This notable achievement qualifies landlords for a substantial discount of £250 off the Part B fee for scheme running costs, reflecting the council’s commitment to incentivizing and acknowledging superior compliance.

Under the proposed replacement Selective Licensing Scheme and the new Additional Licensing Scheme catering to small HMOs, the council aims to extend its regulatory reach. With over 17,000 properties already licensed under the existing Selective Licensing Scheme since 2015, the council is taking steps to address emerging challenges in the private rental sector. The new schemes intend to cover a broader spectrum of rental properties, ensuring enhanced oversight to maintain housing standards.

As the council introduces these licensing initiatives, it emphasizes the importance of private rented properties in meeting the housing needs of residents. The objective is clear: to ensure landlords provide high-quality homes for their tenants. The licensing schemes serve as collaborative tools, enabling the council to work closely with landlords. This collaborative approach seeks to facilitate property improvements, maintenance, and adherence to set requirements. Furthermore, the schemes empower the council to take prompt action against any non-compliance, thereby fostering a conducive environment for both landlords and tenants.

“I’d like to encourage all private sector tenants, landlords, letting agents and everyone else interested to have their say.”



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