November 23, 2023 11:11 am

Insert Lead Generation
Nikka Sulton

In the detailed pages of the Autumn Statement, a noteworthy boost for digital technology and PropTech emerges. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s speech, supplemented by comprehensive documentation, emphasizes the government’s commitment not only to constructing the homes of the future but also to supporting home movers. This support extends across a spectrum of measures aimed at enhancing the buying and selling process, including the initiation of pilots specifically designed to develop innovative property tech products and streamline the digitization of local council property data.

The government’s dedication to fostering advancements in PropTech is subtly woven into the fabric of the Autumn Statement. It signals a strategic move towards modernizing the real estate landscape, underscoring a vision that encompasses both the construction of future-ready homes and the implementation of measures to facilitate a smoother experience for those navigating the intricacies of property transactions.

The government has earmarked £3 million for various initiatives aimed at improving the home buying and selling process. This includes funding pilots to develop property tech products and digitizing local council property data. These measures are designed to leverage technology to make a real difference in facilitating smoother home moves, reflecting a commitment to embracing advancements that enhance efficiency and convenience for individuals navigating the property market.

Simon Brown, the CEO of Landmark Information Group, has welcomed this announcement, emphasizing that his firm has long advocated for the government to recognize the pivotal role of technology in the home-moving process. Brown expresses delight in seeing the government’s commitment to investing £3 million, underscoring the potential for technology to lead the way in transforming and improving the experience for home movers nationwide.

The duration of property transactions in the UK has steadily increased over recent years, reaching a current average of 19 weeks, marking a 77% rise since 2007, as per our latest data. This prolonged timeline has introduced unnecessary stress and delays for both industry professionals and home-movers, contributing to a stagnation in the property market.

The imperative now is the swift availability of the proposed investment to enhance the efficiency of the home-moving process, bringing about much-needed improvements to the property market’s functionality. This commitment is crucial for fostering a smoother and more expeditious experience for individuals navigating the complexities of buying and selling homes in the UK.


A summary of the Chancellor’s Housing-related measures announced in his Autumn Statement: 

– The upcoming year will see an increase in the Local Housing Allowance to match the 30th percentile of local market rents, responding to the requests of numerous landlord and lettings agency groups. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt states that this adjustment is anticipated to benefit approximately 1.6 million households presently renting in both the private and social housing sectors, amounting to an estimated £800 annually per household receiving LHA.

– The government’s support for the property market continues with the extension of the 95 percent Mortgage Guarantee Scheme until the conclusion of June 2025, prolonging its duration by 18 months beyond the previously agreed timeline. Additionally, there is a planned consultation on a modification to Permitted Development Rights in the realm of planning. This proposed change aims to permit the conversion of any house into two flats, provided there is no alteration to the external appearance.

– Residents in close proximity to newly established electricity infrastructure, such as pylons and sub-stations, are set to benefit from a reduction of up to £1,000 per year on their energy bills, as announced by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt.

– Looking ahead to 2024, local authorities are poised to gain the capability to recoup the entire expense associated with large-scale planning applications. This initiative comes with the promise of a guaranteed date for a planning decision, aiming to streamline and expedite the planning process.

– The relief measures continue with an extension of the 75 percent business rates relief for the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors. This extension ensures that these industries will continue to benefit from reduced business rates until the year 2025.


Other non-housing measures announced include:

– In a move set to benefit 27 million employees, the Employee National Insurance will witness a 2.0 percent reduction, bringing it down to 10 percent. This adjustment, effective from January 6, 2024, is expected to result in an average salary saving of £450.

– The self-employed sector is also in for changes, with the abolition of Class 2 National Insurance payments. This measure is anticipated to save the average self-employed individual £192 annually. Additionally, Class 4 NI for the self-employed will experience a reduction from 9.0 to 8.0 percent starting from April, resulting in a £150 saving per self-employed person.

– Universal Credit and various other benefits are slated for an increase of 6.7 percent from April, aiming to provide financial relief and support to those dependent on these crucial funds.

– Projections indicate a decline in core inflation to 2.8 percent in 2024, with a subsequent adjustment to reach the official target of 2.0 percent in 2025. This trajectory represents a slower decline compared to previous expectations.

– Offering a reprieve for consumers, all alcohol duty will remain frozen until August 2024, maintaining current rates and avoiding additional financial burdens for the time being.

– The pension landscape is set for a positive change as the Triple Lock commitment will be honored in pension payments. State pensions are slated to experience an 8.5 percent increase come April, ensuring a boost in financial support for retirees.

– In a move aimed at promoting investment in the UK, the business tax burden for large companies has been reduced by up to 25 percent through the permanent implementation of ‘Full Expensing’ for those engaged in strategic investments.

– The UK government has earmarked £4.5 billion over the next five years for strategic investments in vital industry sectors, with a focus on fostering advancements in green technology and pharmaceuticals.

– To boost skills development in key sectors, £50 million will be allocated over the next two years to pilot initiatives aimed at increasing apprenticeships, providing a pathway for individuals to acquire valuable skills.

– Recognizing the significance of artificial intelligence and supercomputing innovation, £500 million will be dedicated to the development of these technologies, fostering growth and competitiveness in the digital landscape.

– Efforts to spur economic development and investment will be expanded through increased investment in Freeports and Investment Zones. This expansion will encompass additional zones in Wales, the Midlands, and Greater Manchester, creating opportunities for economic growth and development.

– A reform in long-term sickness benefits is on the horizon, designed to encourage job-seeking and facilitate working from home. This includes the introduction of mandatory work-placements after 18 months in certain cases.

– Responding to the need for fair wages, the National Minimum Wage is set to rise to £11.44 per hour, reflecting a substantial 9.8 percent increase, providing enhanced financial support for workers.

– Recognizing the importance of fostering a safe and inclusive educational environment, £7 million will be allocated to organizations dedicated to tackling anti-Semitism in schools and universities, promoting tolerance and understanding.


Keep in mind that the Chancellor’s speech is just a segment of the Autumn Statement. The comprehensive details released in written form afterward frequently unveil significant changes that will become clear in the days ahead.



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