May 10, 2024 9:20 am

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Nikka Sulton

Airbnb has strongly criticized Scottish politicians for their stance on short-term lets, particularly the restrictions they’ve imposed. The former SNP-Green coalition government handed local councils the authority to enforce strict licensing and enforcement regulations on potential short-term rental properties. This move has stirred significant controversy within the industry and among property owners.

According to new analysis conducted by the online platform, the implementation of these short-term rental rules in Scotland has had adverse effects on the tourism industry and has limited economic opportunities for local families. The regulations, aimed at regulating the burgeoning short-term rental market, have faced pushback from various stakeholders, including Airbnb, who argue that they stifle innovation and economic growth.

Airbnb’s stance reflects a broader debate about the balance between regulating the short-term rental market and supporting the sharing economy. While policymakers seek to address concerns such as housing affordability and neighborhood disruption, critics argue that overly restrictive regulations can hamper tourism and limit income opportunities for homeowners. As Scotland grapples with these issues, the future of its short-term rental market remains uncertain.

Despite these measures, they have failed to yield positive effects on housing and rental prices, which have surged to their highest annual rate in almost a decade, as per UK government data. 


Airbnb categorizes the issues instigated by Scottish politicians as follows:


Rising Rental Prices: Recent data underscores a notable uptick in rental costs within the housing sector. ONS statistics indicate a significant 6.8% surge in long-term rental prices over the twelve months leading up to January 2024, surpassing the previous 6.3% rate recorded in the twelve months prior to December 2023. This spike marks the highest annual increase observed in over a decade, dating back to 2012, suggesting that the recent regulations governing short-term lets have not yet translated into enhanced rental affordability.

Surge in Hotel Rates: Since October, Scotland has witnessed a notable escalation in hotel prices, prompting potential visitors to reconsider their travel plans. According to Lighthouse, hotel prices in Edinburgh have soared by 9% in 2024, constituting part of an overall 82% increase since 2019. Particularly pronounced during peak months, this price surge saw a 14% uptick in April, a 21% rise in May, and a 12% increase in November. Airbnb highlights the repercussions, stating that as prices continue to climb, the prospect of exploring Scotland becomes increasingly unattainable for many, particularly families and groups requiring multiple hotel rooms. Additionally, local residents and businesses reliant on travel and tourism face adverse consequences.

Impact of Licensing Schemes: The accommodation sector in Scotland is currently grappling with disruptions in supply, resulting in limited lodging options for visitors. This constriction not only curtails flexible earning prospects for families but also adversely affects small enterprises reliant on tourism, particularly in regions outside traditional tourist hubs. As of April 2024, Edinburgh Council has granted full licenses for short-term lets to only 29% of applicants, raising concerns regarding the city’s capacity to accommodate visitors, especially during upcoming peak periods such as the summer and festivals.

The ‘Taylor Swift Effect’: Leading up to American pop star Taylor Swift’s highly anticipated Eras tour in June, demand for hotel rooms in Edinburgh has surged. According to research by Lighthouse, average hotel room prices in Edinburgh soared by an astounding 84% to £473 for stays during the first week of June. Meanwhile, other tour cities like London experienced a more moderate uptick in hotel prices at 9%, while Cardiff saw a 29% increase.

Shifting Travel Patterns: Despite the constrained supply and escalating costs in Edinburgh, data from Airbnb indicates sustained interest in stays within the city. However, with limited options available, travellers are increasingly exploring alternatives in the north of England. Cities such as Liverpool and Newcastle have witnessed a surge in searches, indicating their growing appeal as alternative destinations for travellers seeking unique experiences.


Commenting on the situation, Amanda Cupples, Airbnb General Manager of Northern Europe, highlighted concerns about the impact of Scotland’s short-term rental rules on local families. She noted that since the implementation of the licensing scheme, both hotel and rental prices have surged, potentially leading to adverse effects on tourism and depriving families of a crucial source of flexible income. Cupples expressed Airbnb’s willingness to collaborate with Scottish authorities on policies that strike a balance between the benefits of short-term rentals and local housing concerns.

In Scotland, the average host shares their home for just under four nights a month, with nearly half of them relying on the additional income to cope with rising living expenses.

Airbnb asserts that many of its hosts are ordinary individuals who offer unique and personalised travel experiences, thereby contributing to the local economy and bolstering their communities. According to a study commissioned by Airbnb in 2022, Airbnb stays contributed £409 million in Gross Value Added, providing a significant uplift as travel rebounded from the pandemic. This spending by Airbnb guests and hosts played a crucial role in supporting approximately 15,100 jobs across Scotland.

Amid the implementation of licensing regulations in Scotland, Airbnb has actively supported hosts. Through online and in-person events organised by Airbnb, over 3,000 Scottish hosts have participated, aiming to help them comprehend the new regulations set forth by the Scottish government. This proactive engagement underscores Airbnb’s commitment to assisting hosts navigate the evolving regulatory landscape while continuing to contribute positively to Scotland’s tourism sector and local economies.

Airbnb has also publicised a statement from an Edinburgh landlord, Catherine Sutherland, who says: “The regulations were poorly thought out and are hurting the tourism sector. There is now a limited supply of short-term lets in Scotland meaning people are struggling to find affordable accommodation and are effectively blocked from visiting Scotland.  

“The process to get a licence is challenging and takes a long time – I submitted my application in September 2023 and it was only approved this April. I am renting out rooms in my home on Airbnb, but those seeking a licence to rent out entire properties as short-term lets are facing much longer waits. Not only this, but people are having to pay upfront costs which can amount to thousands of pounds for some, with no guarantee that their application will be approved, causing a huge amount of stress. 

“My only income comes from short-term lets at my homeshare on Airbnb and another property which I Co-Host. Small businesses like mine are suffering.”


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