Should I Avoid Buying Leasehold?

Many individuals possess leasehold properties, a form of home ownership known for its complexities. Due to its negative reputation, the government is implementing reforms aimed at reducing lease

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What Are The Affordability Rules For Buy To Let?

Research conducted by Simply Business suggests that more than half of existing landlords utilize buy-to-let mortgages. This figure underscores the commonality of this financing option within the rental

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Do You Need Insurance For Buy-To-Let?

When delving into buy-to-let investments, securing adequate landlord insurance becomes paramount. Landlord insurance encompasses various types of coverage, each serving specific purposes. While certain types of insurance are

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How Do I Release Money From Buy To Let Property?

If you own a rental property and require funds for retirement, home improvements, or further investment, you can access equity through a professional mortgage broker. Equity release on

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What Are The Pitfalls Of Buy To Let?

In recent years, shifts in policies like mortgage interest relief and stamp duty surcharges have prompted landlords to question the viability of buy to let investments. These alterations

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Should I Transfer My BTL Property Into A Limited Company?

Deciding whether to transfer your properties into a limited company isn’t a simple decision; it hinges on various factors specific to your situation. If you or your spouse

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Buy To Let Through A Limited Company Or Personal

Considering whether to invest in property personally or through a limited company is crucial. This decision affects your financial outcomes and investment objectives. In this guide, we’ll evaluate

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Buy To Let or The Stock Market?

Buy-to-let property investment, once heralded as a dependable source of income and a pathway to financial stability, has faced challenges in recent times, leading to a shift in

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What Is A Buy-To-Let Property?

Buy-to-let involves purchasing a property with the intention of renting it out, typically through a specialized mortgage known as a buy-to-let mortgage. While commonly residential, buy-to-let investments also

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What Is The Criteria For A Buy-To-Let?

If you’re contemplating entering the rental market as an investor, delving into the realm of buy-to-let mortgages could offer a promising start. However, navigating the nuances of these

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